Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Roller Coaster Ride

Of course, whenever you try something new, it feels like you're on a roller coaster. There are lots of ups and downs and lots of good and bad moments. When I say bad, I don't really mean bad, I just mean not very pleasant. New things normally aren't supposed to bring bad situations.

This ride is what has been happening to me over the last week here. I know that it's only the first week, but my anxiety speaks louder than everything else and I still feel like there's something missing. I have classes until 3 in the afternoon and then that's it. I just go home. If there are assignments, I will do them, study a bit and then I've got nothing else to do. If feels like there's an empty space that needs to be filled.

Maybe I still have a lot to get used to and I feel this way because I'm still not at my 'own' place, but anyway, it feels strange. Not having company or not having someone to talk to during the rest of the afternoon and night feels strange. 

However, this situation is also changing a lot. Today at class we had a very meaningful discussion about teaching, and it made me very happy. I finally feel like things will be great.  Also, there were presentations of portfolios we made to show who we are and how we teach and so on. So, it felt very good to share stories and to get to know more people.

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